Wednesday, December 8, 2010 | By: Andrea Coffey

Mobile commerce helping build relationships

Mobile commerce, when this topic first arose in class I thought of my mobile phone and all the things it can do. So I had a look at a few examples of what M-Commerce is being used for, which can be seen in the image below.
It was clear that communicating with customers through their mobiles was a very valuable observation and then I thought of why. Here are some of the contributing factors I feel are at the forefront. But first lets get are head around the idea with this great video I found on YouTube

Customer’s needs wants and expectations are constantly changing, in a world ever increasingly lead by innovation customers will seek new technology based ways to serve their wants/needs.

Due to mobile phones and the internet people are more connected than ever. I want you to imagine a person you know (someone that is not with you now) and think of all the ways you can communicate with them. The list is massive, call, text, email, Facebook, skype and may more.

How many of these do you have?

Word of mouth is a valuable asset here; imagine you were to get a text from a business telling you their product is great. What would you trust more that, or a message from your friends “wow Andrea that new products great, works a treat!” I bet you thought no.2, I sure did. Customers respond better to companies that try and build relationships with them. M-commerce allows for this trough customer service with the use of technology.

Businesses are also changing the way they do things; they want new and exciting ways to build an active relationship with customers. The best thing about technology is that the relationship is two sided. Not only can business communicate with their customers but customers can also communicate back! The part that I find most interesting is that not all these methods are of a high cost smaller business can now find lots of useful tools online such as Facebook and email, these can all be communicated trough mobile devices. How many people do you know that do not have a mobile phone? I bet you can’t name very many and hence the target market expands.


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